Tuesday 16 August 2016

Politics and economical interest will be the end of Humanity

The problem is those who argue against scientific evidence, are not scientists of that discipline. Their agenda is not in respect to the evidence and global warming per se. They are concerned with the implications that will come if they accept the advice from scientists. They'll have to make decisions that aren't in line with the profit of financial/corporations that backs their paycheck. Our system is so easily manipulated because the majority of lay persons rely on "gut feeling" emotional responses to form judgments. People lose faith in leaders under credibility attacks regardless if those attacks are even true. Try it yourself! Accuse some political leader (much like celebrities these days) of raping you or someone, preferably kids, and down the drain s/he will go. This is even more easily done by people with the financial resource etc. to organize people to do it. There is no true democracy without at least the major public being educated in both sciences and humanities to at least make informed, logical decisions instead of relying chiefly on emotional responses.

Thursday 16 June 2016


天天赶实验的感觉真是累……我感觉读博士还是算了吧,拿个硕士我头也不回就要走。总是感觉时间不够用,一天内不可能做实验又看文献又写医学院申请的东西。可能这周末我就主要看点文献给下周见一个教授做准备别显得太蠢,加上弄完美国医学院的申请,写好Personal statement之类的。

为了准备医学院申请,同时还要多读一些Medical Law...还有关于Ethics的东西。读东西本身就要花这么多时间感觉真是累。


Monday 11 April 2016


今天又有同实验室的,Chris Brown去McMaster做演讲。在这之前的周末我就准备好要和Beverlee再一块去看(玩)了。

说到周末也是挺开心的。周六中午回家,我妈从中国回来带了各种各样的东西。别的杂物都随意,不过给我带了两双鞋,这下一个问题就解决了。周日晚上Tiffany施桐雨从McMaster回来多伦多,我们俩小聚了一下,去看了个电影:Sumperman vs. Batman。没想到小丫头还喜欢演超人的小帅哥,挺萌的。

Monday 4 April 2016


今天同实验室的Ph.D学生Mac Mok要回McMaster University做seminar演讲,说说他的实验结果,我就搭车和Beverlee Buzon(另一个同实验室的Ph.D学生)一起去看了。说起来挺怪的,在Western University现在只有我和Rob Szabla是UWO学生,另三个Ph.D学生都还是McMaster的学生,所以seminar都是在McMaster做。等他们毕业后就会是我们几个Western的学生了。

毕竟在McMaster呆了4年,算是我住过最长时间的地方之一了,所以每次回来都有相当怀旧的心情。恰好现在还有几个同学在McMaster上学,有本科五年以及低年级的学妹,所以还联系了出来见见。不过今天来回可能比较紧张,所以完事后没什么时间逗留就要回实验室的lab meeting。

到了Health Science Building先见到了Angela Huynh和Meg Anne,之前在Dr. Guarné实验室的好朋友们~

Tuesday 16 February 2016


Thelema - Ethics

Liber AL vel Legis does make clear some standards of individual conduct. The most primary of these is "Do what thou wilt" which is presented as the whole of the law, and also as a right. Some interpreters of Thelema believe that this right includes an obligation to allow others to do their own wills without interference,[76] but Liber AL makes no clear statement on the matter. Crowley himself wrote that there was no need to detail the ethics of Thelema, for everything springs from "Do what thou Wilt".[77] Crowley wrote several additional documents presenting his personal beliefs regarding individual conduct in light of the Law of Thelema, some of which do address the topic interference with others:Liber OZ, Duty, and Liber II.

Liber Oz enumerates some of the rights of the individual implied by the one overarching right, "Do what thou wilt". For each person, these include the right to: live by one's own law; live in the way that one wills to do; work, play, and rest as one will; die when and how one will; eat and drink what one will; live where one will; move about the earth as one will; think, speak, write, draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build, and dress as one will; love when, where and with whom one will; and kill those who would thwart these rights.[78]
Duty is described as "A note on the chief rules of practical conduct to be observed by those who accept the Law of Thelema."[79] It is not a numbered "Liber" as are all the documents which Crowley intended for A∴A∴, but rather listed as a document intended specifically for Ordo Templi Orientis.[79] There are four sections:[80]
  • A. Your Duty to Self: describes the self as the center of the universe, with a call to learn about one's inner nature. Admonishes the reader to develop every faculty in a balanced way, establish one's autonomy, and to devote oneself to the service of one's own True Will.
  • B. Your Duty to Others: An admonishment to eliminate the illusion of separateness between oneself and all others, to fight when necessary, to avoid interfering with the Wills of others, to enlighten others when needed, and to worship the divine nature of all other beings.
  • C. Your Duty to Mankind: States that the Law of Thelema should be the sole basis of conduct. That the laws of the land should have the aim of securing the greatest liberty for all individuals. Crime is described as being a violation of one's True Will.
  • D. Your Duty to All Other Beings and Things: States that the Law of Thelema should be applied to all problems and used to decide every ethical question. It is a violation of the Law of Thelema to use any animal or object for a purpose for which it is unfit, or to ruin things so that they are useless for their purpose. Natural resources can be used by man, but this should not be done wantonly, or the breach of the law will be avenged.
In Liber II: The Message of the Master Therion, the Law of Thelema is summarized succinctly as "Do what thou wilt—then do nothing else." Crowley describes the pursuit of Will as not only with detachment from possible results, but with tireless energy. It is Nirvana but in a dynamic rather than static form. The True Will is described as the individual's orbit, and if they seek to do anything else, they will encounter obstacles, as doing anything other than the will is a hindrance to it.[81]