Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Politics and economical interest will be the end of Humanity
The problem is those who argue against scientific evidence, are not scientists of that discipline. Their agenda is not in respect to the evidence and global warming per se. They are concerned with the implications that will come if they accept the advice from scientists. They'll have to make decisions that aren't in line with the profit of financial/corporations that backs their paycheck. Our system is so easily manipulated because the majority of lay persons rely on "gut feeling" emotional responses to form judgments. People lose faith in leaders under credibility attacks regardless if those attacks are even true. Try it yourself! Accuse some political leader (much like celebrities these days) of raping you or someone, preferably kids, and down the drain s/he will go. This is even more easily done by people with the financial resource etc. to organize people to do it. There is no true democracy without at least the major public being educated in both sciences and humanities to at least make informed, logical decisions instead of relying chiefly on emotional responses.