虽说人人生来权利平等,但总有些地方不同才让这世界多姿多彩……这是我个人制作的对妹子的评分标准,与网上、其他人常说的不太一样,不是以分数(10/10之类)而是以级别(A+, A, A-. B+等)形成。每个字母间为一个大等级,由性质定义区分。+,与减号-
其实这个表本来应有两个评判:外观和总体。之所以大多数时候只需要一个等级标准原因有二:大多数女生外观级别与总体分不会差超过两个小级(A-到B,B+到B-),其次大多数时候评级只适用于外观,等你了解那个人后因familiarity principle你自然会觉得那人长得可爱多了,所以常常长相与性格不能完全分离,也是为什么这两个分值一般很接近。但在偶尔遇上性格不良的美女(卖相妖女,红颜祸水?)或性格品质非常棒而长相中等偏上的女性时才会用到单论长相。这也是为何此分数常与愿意性交的程度关联(一夜情不需要了解性格)。
A:最高等级,一般只代表人群2.5%的顶层。从性质上属于你愿意投入精力追求,拥有后忠守一辈子的女性(一生推)。粗俗来讲便是愿意只干她,干一辈子的。一般在一个环境下这个高等级的妹子能有一个就很不错了。A+例子:Audrey Hepburn, Emma Watson, 霍思燕
换算:如果要用10分点: A+ = 10 A ≈ 9.5 A- ≈ 9, B+ ≈ 8.5 B ≈ 8 B- ≈ 7.5, C+ ≈ 7 C ≈ 7.5-6 C- ≈ 5.5, D+/D ≈ 5 D- ≈ 4.5 再往下基本也不会有兴趣评分了就不必换算了……
Peanut's Scale of Female Attraction Rating (PSFAR)
Used for scaling the attractiveness and potential (long term and short term) mate preferences. Predominantly designed to measure female, but could be adapted to measure male targets. This scale uses categorical definitions to distinguish major divisions, then fine-tuned with +/- signs to indicate within-division preference.
A: Absolutely stunning, 10/10 would bang, and will only bang, for the rest of your life. You will be highly motivated to invest all resource and energy to engage with her, and let her become your girlfriends. No justification for seeking other females once girlfriend status is achieved. Rarely would you find a girl of this division. Examples: Audrey Hepburn, Emma Watson
B: Relatively more common, the "1st choice girl" you encounter most of the time. Very high quality, captivating females. You will love to accept them as girlfriend and treat them like in A division. However there are alternatives that you will rather invest all energy in pursuing (A division girls), so B division has a slightly lower priority.
C: Great short term mate, but lower priority as long term mate. Though you will not necessarily invest energy, you will find it pleasant to have them as girlfriend if they show interest in you.
D: The vast normal girls. They are likely nice to have as short term mate, but you will easily notice better alternatives for long term. Their attractiveness alone cannot provide enough arousal but still desirable friends given their personality.
E: Average girls, no noticable advantage for attractiveness. Ok as friends, alright for one-night-stands as well if you are really in need, but no consideration of engagement.
F: F stands for fail. These are girls below average. They are fine for friends, you won't necessarily feel repulsive to their presence. Starting from this division, there is no need for +/- sign to fine tune the minor divisions.
G: Actually ugly girls. You feel their presence start to be objectional in varying degrees. You won't even feel really arouse if they try to seduce you.
Approximate exchange to 10/10 scale: A+ = 10 A ≈ 9.5 A- ≈ 9, B+ ≈ 8.5 B ≈ 8 B- ≈ 7.5, C+ ≈ 7 C ≈ 7.5-6 C- ≈ 5.5, D+/D ≈ 5 D- ≈ 4.5. And I believe usually you won't even bother with assigning numbers after this division...